Welcome to the Cybersecurity Readiness Podcast Site
April 27, 2022

Thinking Like A Hacker

Using compelling stories and metaphors, Ted Harrington, author of Hackable: How To Do Application Security Right, and Executive Partner at Independent Security Evaluators, explains the process of hacking and the importance of being able to think like a hacker. He encourages leaders to get excited about information security investments and look for ways of gaining a competitive edge from those investments.

To access and download the entire podcast summary with discussion highlights --


Using compelling stories and metaphors, Ted Harrington, author of Hackable: How To Do Application Security Right, and Executive Partner at Independent Security Evaluators, explains the process of hacking and the importance of being able to think like a hacker. He encourages leaders to get excited about information security investments and look for ways of gaining a competitive edge from those investments.

To access and download the entire podcast summary with discussion highlights --



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Cybersecurity Readiness Book: https://www.amazon.com/Cybersecurity-Readiness-Holistic-High-Performance-Approach/dp/1071837338


Welcome to the Cybersecurity Readiness Podcast


Series with Dr. Dave Chatterjee. Dr. Chatterjee is the author of

Cybersecurity Readiness:

A Holistic and High-Performance

Cybersecurity Readiness:

Approach. He has been studying cybersecurity for over a decade,

Cybersecurity Readiness:

authored and edited scholarly papers, delivered talks,

Cybersecurity Readiness:

conducted webinars, consulted with companies, and served on a

Cybersecurity Readiness:

cybersecurity SWAT team with Chief Information Security

Cybersecurity Readiness:

Officers. Dr. Chatterjee is an Associate Professor of

Cybersecurity Readiness:

Management Information Systems at the Terry College of

Cybersecurity Readiness:

Business, the University of Georgia, and Visiting Professor

Cybersecurity Readiness:

at Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Hello, everyone, I'm delighted to

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

welcome you to this episode of the Cybersecurity Readiness

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Podcast Series. Today, I have the pleasure of talking with Ted

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Harrington, Executive Partner at Independent Security Evaluators

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

and he's also the author of Hackable: How To Do Application

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Security Right. His company, made up of ethical hackers was

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

born out of the Ph. D. Program at the Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

They have been doing security assessments and security

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

consulting for a long time for both large enterprises and

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

funded startups and everyone in between. Since 2005, they have

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

been hired by hundreds of companies, and they have helped

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

discover 10s of 1000s of security vulnerabilities. Their

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

work has appeared in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Washington Post, USA Today, Financial Times, Wired, and CBS

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

News on Assignment. Hey, Ted, welcome.

Ted Harrington:

Thanks for having me. Excited to be here.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

So let's talk about hacking. For the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

benefit of the listeners, provide an overview of hacking

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

like hacking 101, what is it? What are the many consequences?

Ted Harrington:

Sure, so I like this question a lot, because the

Ted Harrington:

concept of hacking and the concept of hackers is pretty

Ted Harrington:

misunderstood. So maybe we start there, like what is what is

Ted Harrington:

hacking? What is a hacker and a lot of times people talk about

Ted Harrington:

this idea, you know, hackers as if they're bad, right? That the

Ted Harrington:

hackers are malicious, or associated with wrongdoing or

Ted Harrington:

evil or whatever. And that's only partly true, because that's

Ted Harrington:

a certain that is certainly a type of hacker. But hackers, the

Ted Harrington:

term hacker is neutral. It's neither good nor bad. It's a

Ted Harrington:

hacker is someone who is a problem solver. They're

Ted Harrington:

creative. They're someone who looks at the way a system works

Ted Harrington:

and says, you know, can it behave differently than what was

Ted Harrington:

intended to do? Can I create something. So that's really what

Ted Harrington:

hackers are, and then the fork in the road comes to motivation,

Ted Harrington:

right? So if someone is doing this, because they want to

Ted Harrington:

obtain some sort of personal gain, they want to harm others.

Ted Harrington:

That's what attackers would be certainly. But the other forks

Ted Harrington:

of the road are ethical hackers, people who do the same things

Ted Harrington:

use the same tools, the same techniques, still want to find

Ted Harrington:

those issues with how a system works. But they do it because

Ted Harrington:

they want to fix the system, they want to make it better,

Ted Harrington:

they want to improve it. And that's the corner of the world

Ted Harrington:

that I come from, that our people all come from. And both

Ted Harrington:

are hackers. So really fundamentally, that's what

Ted Harrington:

hacking is hacking is looking at something and saying, you know,

Ted Harrington:

can it be differently, and there's this classic TV series

Ted Harrington:

called MacGyver that, you know, maybe younger generations might

Ted Harrington:

not be familiar with. I've never even actually really seen

Ted Harrington:

MacGyver myself. But I'm very familiar with the concept of

Ted Harrington:

MacGyver. And he's, you know, this dude, who would just he

Ted Harrington:

create things out of, he'd take things that were supposed to do

Ted Harrington:

one thing and make it do something else. Like if there

Ted Harrington:

was one episode where he, I think he needed to start a car

Ted Harrington:

or something and he took a paperclip, which the purpose of

Ted Harrington:

a paperclip is to clip together paper. And he used this to like

Ted Harrington:

somehow, you know, ignite the engine in a vehicle. That's a

Ted Harrington:

hacker that's someone who says, you know, things supposed to

Ted Harrington:

work in a certain way, can I make it behave differently, and

Ted Harrington:

then motivation determines whether that's a good thing or a

Ted Harrington:

bad thing.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

That's interesting. That's an

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

interesting way of looking at hacking. I never thought about

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

it as hackers as problem solvers. But I see from where

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

you're coming. With the growing expansion of attack surfaces and

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

evolution of attack vectors. It's hard for organizations to

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

keep up with the latest hacking methods and techniques. And

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

that's why companies often hire organizations that are made up

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

of ethical hackers to help them stay on top of information

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

security management to the extent possible. So shed some

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

light on why hackers might be interested in breaching systems

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

of certain types of organizations over others, if

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

that's the case, that may not be the case. And related to that,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

are any organization types more vulnerable than others? Yeah,

Ted Harrington:

let's tackle those separately, because they

Ted Harrington:


Ted Harrington:

are two slightly different questions. But that can be

Ted Harrington:

conflated. So why would an attacker attack a specific

Ted Harrington:

organization? I think this is a wonderful question. And it goes

Ted Harrington:

to the heart of one of the very common misunderstandings that

Ted Harrington:

people have about attackers. Most people think that this idea

Ted Harrington:

of we've already broken down that there's, you know, hackers

Ted Harrington:

can be good, or hackers can be bad. But even amongst the bad

Ted Harrington:

hackers, they're not all the same thing. But we often talk

Ted Harrington:

about them as if they're all the same thing. And that's actually

Ted Harrington:

not true. So different attacker groups, they're motivated to

Ted Harrington:

achieve different outcomes. So the most common one, almost

Ted Harrington:

everybody talks about hackers as being profit motivated. And that

Ted Harrington:

is indeed a very compelling motivation for many types of

Ted Harrington:

attackers. I mean, basically, anyone who engages in ransomware

Ted Harrington:

profit is the motive. Almost everyone, there's, there's cases

Ted Harrington:

where maybe you use that to hide your other motive, but so

Ted Harrington:

someone who wants to make money that's like organized crime as

Ted Harrington:

an example, they are attacking because they want to make money.

Ted Harrington:

But then you've got groups that are more interested in

Ted Harrington:

notoriety, right. So maybe it's someone who just they want to

Ted Harrington:

prove they can do it, or they want to go to brag about it, or

Ted Harrington:

they want to, yeah, they just want the notoriety associated

Ted Harrington:

with it. That's a different motivation from someone who may

Ted Harrington:

be like anonymous, the hacker collective that fits in the

Ted Harrington:

group of what are called hacktivists, which they attack

Ted Harrington:

organizations in order to make a statement. And then there's

Ted Harrington:

nation states that attack organizations in order to pursue

Ted Harrington:

their geopolitical objectives. And so when we think about

Ted Harrington:

different attackers having different motivations that comes

Ted Harrington:

into play, in terms of how we now think about how we defend,

Ted Harrington:

because we think about, well, what are we trying to protect,

Ted Harrington:

and is what we have something that an attacker could pursue

Ted Harrington:

their specific motivation for. So they want to feel like a lot

Ted Harrington:

of companies, they'll say, Well, I don't have anything valuable,

Ted Harrington:

I don't protect any valuable data. So no one's going to

Ted Harrington:

attack me because I don't have valuable data and no one's gonna

Ted Harrington:

make money off of attacking me. And hopefully, what I just

Ted Harrington:

illustrated makes it clear that that's actually not the case.

Ted Harrington:

You know, you might not have valuable data, but maybe you

Ted Harrington:

have, maybe your organization can be swept up in a botnet.

Ted Harrington:

Your computational power can be used in a broader DDoS type

Ted Harrington:

attack. Maybe your organization has some sort of influential

Ted Harrington:

information on maybe population trends or things that are

Ted Harrington:

happening on a national level that another nation might want

Ted Harrington:

to understand. So we have to understand the attacker, why

Ted Harrington:

they're motivated in order to help ourselves think about what

Ted Harrington:

do we need? Why would someone attack us?

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Very true, very true. We hear this phrase

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

'thinking like a hacker' a lot. The ability to think like a

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

hacker is considered a best practice in cybersecurity

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

governance. I'd like to probe a little deeper into it. Can you

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

shed some light on that?

Ted Harrington:

Yeah, I'm, I'm definitely one of those people

Ted Harrington:

who's out there banging this drum. I say this to anyone who

Ted Harrington:

will listen that Yeah, to defend against an attacker, we need to

Ted Harrington:

think like an attacker. Um, and this this idea of more

Ted Harrington:

generally, you know, think like a hacker, whether that's a you

Ted Harrington:

know, good type of hacker or a bad type Agere. This is

Ted Harrington:

absolutely mission critical for organizations to be able to

Ted Harrington:

secure their what it is, whatever it is, they're trying

Ted Harrington:

to protect the most, they really need to think like, someone who

Ted Harrington:

would attack a system. And that's not very easy actually to

Ted Harrington:

do. And most people aren't wired that way. I often think of this,

Ted Harrington:

like the movie, The Matrix. Maybe this is a little bit of a

Ted Harrington:

spoiler, but the movie has been out for, like 25 years. So if

Ted Harrington:

you haven't seen it yet, that's on you. And then I'm spoiling

Ted Harrington:

it. You know, you find out partway through this movie, that

Ted Harrington:

you know, everyone who's living normal life, like we live normal

Ted Harrington:

life, you know, here on Earth, all of a sudden, you're actually

Ted Harrington:

in a simulation. And when you unplug from the matrix, you

Ted Harrington:

realize you're, you're now living reality, but the reality

Ted Harrington:

is really ugly. You're in this like post apocalyptic world and

Ted Harrington:

it's like everything cold your food is basically like eating

Ted Harrington:

dust. It's, it's a terrible life, but you have freedom. And

Ted Harrington:

I often think of that's what it's like, once you can think

Ted Harrington:

like a hacker is like once you unplug from the matrix, and you

Ted Harrington:

see kind of all the darkness in the world. Hold, there's no

Ted Harrington:

going back. And so it's not for everybody, not everybody should

Ted Harrington:

not think that everybody doesn't have the capability to see the

Ted Harrington:

world that way. And most people probably don't want to see the

Ted Harrington:

world that way. But those of us who are engaged in this as a

Ted Harrington:

profession, or even as a hobby, this is the way that we see it.

Ted Harrington:

And the reason that this is important is, I guess, think of

Ted Harrington:

it like, what's any metaphor, I don't know, think of a sports

Ted Harrington:

metaphor, right? If you're, if you're playing against an

Ted Harrington:

opponent coming up this weekend, how are they going to think

Ted Harrington:

about their plan to try to win the game against you, right, you

Ted Harrington:

have to put yourself in the shoes of your opponent, in order

Ted Harrington:

to be able to understand how will you like what's, what's the

Ted Harrington:

lens through which they see you, and how will you be attacked.

Ted Harrington:

And that's why this idea of thinking like a hacker is

Ted Harrington:

really, really important. Because, again, to use a sports

Ted Harrington:

metaphor, like when when we think as defenders, that sort of

Ted Harrington:

like someone who's, you know, playing basketball, and they're,

Ted Harrington:

they're playing defense on their heels, right. And so anyone

Ted Harrington:

who's played really any ball sports, any team sports knows

Ted Harrington:

that if your weight is on your heels, it's really, really hard

Ted Harrington:

to react to the ball coming at you. And so the advice is, you

Ted Harrington:

always have to be on your toes, you have to be leaning forward,

Ted Harrington:

not leaning backwards. And so when we think like defenders,

Ted Harrington:

we're leaning backwards, we're sort of like waiting for the

Ted Harrington:

world to come to us. But that makes it really hard to react.

Ted Harrington:

Instead, we should be leaning forward, we should be on our

Ted Harrington:

toes. And we should be thinking like, Hey, we're actually on the

Ted Harrington:

offense, not on the defense. And that's what think like a hacker

Ted Harrington:

helps you do.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

And so, you know, as you said, that you

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

don't expect everyone to think like a hacker. Now, maybe the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

cybersecurity professionals in the organization, who are paid

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

to, you know, be proactive, make recommendations on how to secure

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

the organization, from new attack types, maybe they are the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

ones who should be thinking like a hacker. But I'm just curious

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

to know, your thoughts and perspectives on the other group,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

the folks who generally get compromised, they are not very

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

security savvy, they learn as best they can, what they're told

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

by the organization. For those folks, obviously, they are not

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

the type that you'd recommend, think like a hacker. But what

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

advice do you have for them?

Ted Harrington:

Yeah, so as you can, as you're gonna see,

Ted Harrington:

throughout the crowd, I'm big on metaphors. So let's, let's use

Ted Harrington:

the metaphor of someone who builds skyscrapers, right? So

Ted Harrington:

that particular type of contractor that takes a specific

Ted Harrington:

skill set, developed over a long period of time, you know, how to

Ted Harrington:

build a skyscraper. Now, if someone comes to you and says,

Ted Harrington:

Hey, we've got this other skyscraper over here, and we

Ted Harrington:

need to demo it, we need to demolish it. You know how these

Ted Harrington:

things, you build these things all day? Can you demolish this

Ted Harrington:

one? They'd be like, maybe like, I guess I know the fundamentals

Ted Harrington:

of how it's built. But like, that's not what I do. That's not

Ted Harrington:

my profession. That's not my chosen craft. So what do they

Ted Harrington:

do? They say, Well, why don't we get a demo expert in here to do

Ted Harrington:

the demo, and I'll work with them. And I'll say, you know,

Ted Harrington:

we'll, we'll talk through the mechanics of this building. And,

Ted Harrington:

and that's how we'll have a successful demolition. But

Ted Harrington:

they're two completely different crafts. So the first piece of

Ted Harrington:

advice is, you need to work with somebody, like you're the

Ted Harrington:

builder, you need to work with a breaker, right? So companies who

Ted Harrington:

are out there building, whatever system that you're building, you

Ted Harrington:

definitely want to work with ethical hackers, because they

Ted Harrington:

help you because they bring that expertise, that, as you

Ted Harrington:

correctly noted, isn't necessarily the core part of

Ted Harrington:

what it is that you're doing. It's similar to like any

Ted Harrington:

expertise that you would partner with externally, so companies

Ted Harrington:

all the time will partner with, you know, outside counsel,

Ted Harrington:

outside accountants outside, you know, pick your expertise,

Ted Harrington:

they'll, they'll say, Hey, you're gonna come and sort of be

Ted Harrington:

the surgical strike that does this specific thing that we

Ted Harrington:

don't actually fully staffing out. So that's the first thing

Ted Harrington:

is, you know, work with outside organizations. Second thing is

Ted Harrington:

to, even though that that's what has to happen is you have to

Ted Harrington:

work with outside organizations who specialize in this thing.

Ted Harrington:

You want to also make sure that you understand the principles.

Ted Harrington:

So if we use that, the skyscraper metaphor, the guy who

Ted Harrington:

or the guy or the gal who builds a skyscraper should also know

Ted Harrington:

where the weaknesses are and know and know how it might

Ted Harrington:

crumble if it's not built correctly. Now, that doesn't

Ted Harrington:

mean they're gonna go out and do demo, but they're going to know

Ted Harrington:

like, Hey, this is a, you know, this type of joint stresses in a

Ted Harrington:

in a bad way, we should make sure we don't use that type of

Ted Harrington:

joint. And I'm way oversimplifying the practice of

Ted Harrington:

building a skyscraper for sure. But you know, it's for

Ted Harrington:

illustrative purposes. And so that's the second piece of

Ted Harrington:

advice is make sure you understand the principles so

Ted Harrington:

your work with someone else, but still, you have to make sure

Ted Harrington:

that they understand the principles yourself. And then

Ted Harrington:

the third is this. It's abstract, but it's keep asking

Ted Harrington:

these questions, right? It's your whatever it is that you do

Ted Harrington:

in any profession, your core expertise, you're going to, you

Ted Harrington:

know, that's where the focus of your develop effort developing

Ted Harrington:

yourself is going to be. But there's always going to be these

Ted Harrington:

things on the periphery that like, oh, I should probably know

Ted Harrington:

about that. But maybe I'm not the expert in that. But by

Ted Harrington:

asking the questions of what do I need to know about x? So the

Ted Harrington:

person who's listening to this right now, who builds systems

Ted Harrington:

and says, What do I need to know about security? That question is

Ted Harrington:

so important, it's so powerful, because just by asking it, it

Ted Harrington:

leads you to the type of growth that is necessary, in order to

Ted Harrington:

make sure you understand the principles even though the, the

Ted Harrington:

entity or the person who's going to be responsible for this is

Ted Harrington:

going to be someone else, you can't completely delegate it to

Ted Harrington:

someone else.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

I agree. I wholeheartedly agree. In fact,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

as you were talking, a thought came to mind. I wish you know,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

that. There are more demonstrations, visual

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

demonstrations, graphical illustrations, and various forms

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

of presentations made available to the masses, where people get

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

to see how hackers think, how hackers act. And I realized that

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

can get very technical, but that's where the skill lies. Can

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

we present the technical stuff in a non technical way you, you

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

use metaphors and you, you know, kind of talked about several

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

movies. So maybe we need more media help here to popularize

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

thinking like a hacker. So everyone on the street literally

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

has some sense of what these guys are up to how they are

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

thinking how they try to attack, not to suggest that this would

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

make everyone an expert, but at least it whets the appetite, it

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

gives them a basic understanding. And that would

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

help the organization to mobilize support from from all

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

parts of the organization. Thoughts, reactions?

Ted Harrington:

Yeah, well, let me try to illustrate with maybe

Ted Harrington:

a metaphor that most people can relate to. Most people don't

Ted Harrington:

like waiting in line. Right? I think that's just, even though

Ted Harrington:

everyone does wait in line, like people literally spend money and

Ted Harrington:

vacation time to go to places like Disneyland, because they

Ted Harrington:

want to wait in line all day. So they can, you know, wait in line

Ted Harrington:

for an hour to take a three minute ride. Not for me, but

Ted Harrington:

hey, you know, whatever floats your boat, but I think but, but

Ted Harrington:

most people, even though they wait in those lines, they pay to

Ted Harrington:

wait in those lines, they take time off their job to wait in

Ted Harrington:

those lines, people would still say they don't like waiting in

Ted Harrington:

the line. I think that's sort of a universal human condition. No

Ted Harrington:

one, no one is enjoying the line. So let me tell you about a

Ted Harrington:

story that I had involving a line and this is this story

Ted Harrington:

actually is a form of social engineering. But the components

Ted Harrington:

to it describe exactly the process that an attacker would

Ted Harrington:

go through. So if we can imagine a bar, and the bar is going to

Ted Harrington:

be you know, a bar, like a nightclub. This bar represents

Ted Harrington:

our, it represents a, a system that someone is building. So I

Ted Harrington:

this was a few years ago, I wound up going to this, this

Ted Harrington:

bar, and I was meeting up with some friends. And I can't

Ted Harrington:

remember why I needed to go to this specific bar. But I mean,

Ted Harrington:

it was like someone's birthday, but I had to go to this. It

Ted Harrington:

wasn't like, we'll just go to another bar, and there was this

Ted Harrington:

huge line. And then when you you get through this whole long line

Ted Harrington:

takes a half an hour or whatever, then you pay a cover

Ted Harrington:

charge to get in. And I didn't want anything to do with either

Ted Harrington:

of those. I was like I don't want to wait in line and then

Ted Harrington:

pay you know, whatever. 20 bucks just just for the right to now

Ted Harrington:

go in and I'll spend more money. So I did what you know, really

Ted Harrington:

any hacker minded person does the first thing I did was I

Ted Harrington:

assessed the system I looked at how does the system work? Okay,

Ted Harrington:

well, there's a line that gets you in and, and then you pay a

Ted Harrington:

cover when you're in and that grants you access. But I noticed

Ted Harrington:

there's also this other area for a VIP entrance. And that VIP

Ted Harrington:

entrance, you can only there's no line, there's no cover, but

Ted Harrington:

you can only go in if you're on the list. So that's the second

Ted Harrington:

thing I did was I said alright, well, how could the challenge

Ted Harrington:

question was how can I make them believe I'm on the list? I'm not

Ted Harrington:

on the list, but how can I make them believe it? So that's the

Ted Harrington:

second thing that attackers will do, though. They'll essentially

Ted Harrington:

set out a challenge statement for themselves. Like what's the

Ted Harrington:

goal? What am I trying to do? And in this case, I was trying

Ted Harrington:

to get the privileges of someone on the VIP list when I didn't

Ted Harrington:

have those privileges. That's called privilege escalation. So

Ted Harrington:

then the next thing I did was what any attacker Do I, I probed

Ted Harrington:

some I established some assumptions about how the system

Ted Harrington:

worked. And my assumption was, if I can produce the name of

Ted Harrington:

someone on that list, they will assume I'm on the list. So that

Ted Harrington:

was my goal, I needed to produce a name on the list. I did not

Ted Harrington:

know any names. So here's what I did. So I walk right up to the

Ted Harrington:

VIP hostess, and I say, Hi, I'm on the list. Now, again, I just

Ted Harrington:

told you I'm not I'm not listed. She doesn't know this, but I'm

Ted Harrington:

not on the list. So I said, Hi, I'm on the list. So when she

Ted Harrington:

asks me, What My name is telling her my name wasn't going to

Ted Harrington:

help, because I'm not on the list. And guessing is like,

Ted Harrington:

what's the chances? I guess somebody's name, right? Like,

Ted Harrington:

it's so like, why even bother? So I'm not gonna guess. So

Ted Harrington:

instead, I issue what's called a specially crafted input. Now,

Ted Harrington:

this is when an attacker is probing a system to see how it's

Ted Harrington:

going to react. And in this case, a specially crafted input

Ted Harrington:

was I said, Well, I'm with the group, I made an assumption that

Ted Harrington:

the there was going to be a group, and the group would be on

Ted Harrington:

the VIP list. And so when she said which group again, I

Ted Harrington:

didn't, you know, same problems, I didn't know the names of any

Ted Harrington:

group guessing wasn't going to help. So again, I asked, I

Ted Harrington:

issued another specially crafted input, and I said, I'm with the

Ted Harrington:

big group. And I was making an assumption that that would be

Ted Harrington:

something that would be on the list, there would be one group

Ted Harrington:

larger than others. And with that, she looks down at her

Ted Harrington:

clipboard, she flips a couple pages, and she says, Oh, the

Ted Harrington:

Smith party. And I said, Yes, I am with the Smith party. And

Ted Harrington:

with that, I had achieved the goal, I associated myself with a

Ted Harrington:

name on the list, she opens the velvet rope escorts, we passed

Ted Harrington:

the law and pass the cover charge. And, you know, I went

Ted Harrington:

into the bar, I should say, as a sidebar, I am an ethical hacker.

Ted Harrington:

So even though I did not pay the cover charge, I'm more than made

Ted Harrington:

up for it with over tipping my bar staff, everyone, the only

Ted Harrington:

person who lost money that night was probably me, like everyone

Ted Harrington:

made out. But I didn't have to wait in line, which is what I

Ted Harrington:

didn't want to do. But the point of that story, whether you like

Ted Harrington:

going to bars or not, or you've never even been to a bar, we've

Ted Harrington:

all been in situations we don't like waiting in line. And that

Ted Harrington:

story can illustrate in a way that I think everyone can relate

Ted Harrington:

to the process that attackers go through.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Excellent. That's a very, very interesting

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

and telling story. In fact, that reminds me, this is not so much

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

about how hackers hack, but how to be on your guard to be on

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

your defense. And I wasn't that night, where I went to a

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

restaurant at great city, I won't name it here. And it was a

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Halloween, I think, and it was a haunted restaurant. So we were

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

having dinner there. And the lights were very dim. And you

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

know, they were trying to create that atmosphere I was in my

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

family. So we had dinner. And then when the waitress came up

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

asking for the credit card, I gave it to her without thinking

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

twice that I should be scanning the card right there. And then I

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

shouldn't be giving it to somebody. And next moment. Well,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

you know, that night, everything went off. Well, we checked out

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

and we had a good night's rest. Next morning, I was driving my

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

son for his tennis match. And then I got a call. I was not

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

planning to take the call. It was an 800 number call. But then

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

I did. I'm glad I did. It was a Bank of America representatives

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

asking where I was the previous night. And then he was able to

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

share some data and facts that told me that my card got hacked.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

And it was already being used in the state of California. And I

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

was on the eastern part of the country. So I knew that somebody

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

had gotten access to it. So this is an example where even those

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

of us who are conscious about this phenomenon will play a

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

role. Even they can get caught napping and they can get

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

compromised, and which has happened to me not once but

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

several times. And that's all the more I believe the need for

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

reiterating reinforcing some fundamental principles, some

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

guidelines and recommendations. Because I believe that the very

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

best of people have been, can be or will be breached in the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

future. So that is great. Good discussion on that topic.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Switching gears a little bit. Let's talk about security

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

assessments. It's reasonable to assume that most organizations

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

are engaging in security assessments. But the more

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

nuanced question is, are they engaging in the right kinds of

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

security assessments with methodologies that best align

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

with their desired outcomes? What are your thoughts?

Ted Harrington:

You are preaching to the choir right

Ted Harrington:

now? That is that is the question in that matter that

Ted Harrington:

absolutely is the question that matters. Wow. So the way you

Ted Harrington:

actually framed the question first was, you know, we're

Ted Harrington:

assuming that most organizations are getting security

Ted Harrington:

assessments. I hope that is true. I guess it should be

Ted Harrington:

stated that that's assuming an organization is something worth

Ted Harrington:

protecting, that is actually an important item to note. So if

Ted Harrington:

you don't have something worth protecting, then like, why would

Ted Harrington:

you invest in protecting it doesn't matter. But assuming you

Ted Harrington:

do, I mean, someone who's listening to a show like this,

Ted Harrington:

you probably do. Right? You wouldn't be investing your time,

Ted Harrington:

in listening to Ted ramble until random metaphors, if you didn't

Ted Harrington:

have something to protect, so we're assuming have something to

Ted Harrington:

protect, you're getting these security assessments done. And

Ted Harrington:

the real problem that I see, I mean, one of the motivations to

Ted Harrington:

want to write a book was because I saw this rampant problem all

Ted Harrington:

over the place, which is that the way that we talk about

Ted Harrington:

security testing, and we I'm talking about collectively, the

Ted Harrington:

security community, but also those who engage with security

Ted Harrington:

community who hire security professionals to do security

Ted Harrington:

testing, we talk about it in very imprecise ways. And it

Ted Harrington:

winds up leading to some really bad outcomes. So what most

Ted Harrington:

people want when they're hiring, security testing? Well, there

Ted Harrington:

are different motivations for why someone would go hire one.

Ted Harrington:

But they're usually something like, well, I need to prove it

Ted Harrington:

to someone else. And I need to actually secure the thing. So

Ted Harrington:

those are, sometimes hopefully, it's both sometimes it's just

Ted Harrington:

one, like, I need to prove this, I don't care what it is, I need

Ted Harrington:

to prove it to someone else that I did a security test. But In

Ted Harrington:

but in the case of, you know, the more progressive companies

Ted Harrington:

definitely, they're actually trying to improve the security

Ted Harrington:

of the system. They're not just going through the motions. But

Ted Harrington:

the problem is, the way we talk about security testing is we use

Ted Harrington:

terms incorrectly all the time. So people often will ask for

Ted Harrington:

penetration testing. That's sort of the term that's become the

Ted Harrington:

catch all. But penetration testing is a very specific type

Ted Harrington:

of thing. But complicating that problem, they're asking for

Ted Harrington:

penetration testing, they're usually sold something else.

Ted Harrington:

Like if you Google that term, right now, almost all the

Ted Harrington:

results you're gonna get, not all of them, but at least three

Ted Harrington:

quarters of them are something else, they're going to be

Ted Harrington:

vulnerability scanning, they're not penetration testing. But

Ted Harrington:

then what makes it even more complicated is that what people

Ted Harrington:

actually need usually isn't actually penetration testing at

Ted Harrington:

all. What they usually need is what's called vulnerability

Ted Harrington:

assessments. And I can definitely I've, of course, I've

Ted Harrington:

metaphors, I can explain the difference between these these

Ted Harrington:

three types. But the point that I want to leave on answering

Ted Harrington:

your question here is that those are three really different

Ted Harrington:

things. They entail different investments of time, and money

Ted Harrington:

and person power, and they deliver different things. So

Ted Harrington:

when people are asking for something, they're getting

Ted Harrington:

something else, and yet they actually needed a third thing

Ted Harrington:

altogether, have we actually achieved the mission? Right?

Ted Harrington:

Have we actually accomplished what we set out to accomplish,

Ted Harrington:

and that is a really big problem.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

There are a few things that you've mentioned

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

more than once now, and I believe it, it's worth

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

reiterating, re emphasizing, and that is, an organization needs

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

to know, or needs to have a good understanding of what it wants

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

to secure. And what are the tools, the methodologies, the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

techniques that are out there? Now, one is not expecting an

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

organization, especially smaller organizations resource

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

constrained to have the kinds of expertise to make those calls,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

but they need to reach out and get help. Again, you know,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

trying to follow your example of using a metaphor. It's like,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

when you go to a doctor, and or you're, you're thinking of going

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

to a doctor, because you feel there is an issue. And so you're

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

doing your best due diligence possible, doing your searches,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

you know, talking to people getting advice. So you have a

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

planning process in place. And it's important, why is it

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

important because it's your health. And I like to use the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

health metaphor, because when it comes to security, that's the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

security is the health of the organization. It is I believe

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

that there is not far where we'll be ranking organizations

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

on their security health rating. So therefore, developing an

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

understanding of what the security needs are, and who is

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

the right person who can provide the help or who are the right

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

people who can deliver the goods is absolutely mission critical.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

So therefore, your points are very well made that to recognize

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

what kind of help you need from a security standpoint. And that

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

will immediately help align what you get by way of security

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

mechanisms, along with your overall organizational goals and

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

strategies. So I just wanted to re emphasize there anything else

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

you'd like to add to that?

Ted Harrington:

Well, just that the doctor patient metaphor for

Ted Harrington:

security is so good. And there's so many aspects of that

Ted Harrington:

relationship that we can, you know, tie back to security, and

Ted Harrington:

I'm just deciding whether or not to go down all those different

Ted Harrington:

rabbit holes right now. But I'll definitely tie back to one or

Ted Harrington:

more of them as as we go. But, um, if we want to use the doctor

Ted Harrington:

metaphor, and the context of the question that you're asking

Ted Harrington:

about, like, how do we make sure we're getting the right thing? I

Ted Harrington:

think it's, that's actually, maybe that's a good metaphor for

Ted Harrington:

us to use, because it's like when people go into the doctor's

Ted Harrington:

office, and they're like, Oh, I checked on WebMD, my, you know,

Ted Harrington:

my symptoms or whatever. And so they, they've self diagnosed, so

Ted Harrington:

they go into the doctor, and they're like, I need a, I don't

Ted Harrington:

know, insert jargon, technical term right now. And the doctor

Ted Harrington:

is like, we'll get to that limit. Let me instead, evaluate

Ted Harrington:

your symptoms, see where we're at. And I'll tell you, then, you

Ted Harrington:

know, what we need. But the problem that happens in security

Ted Harrington:

would be like, so doctors, I guess I don't know what I'm

Ted Harrington:

about to say for 100% Certain, because I am not a doctor. But

Ted Harrington:

my understanding is that in medicine, a procedure has a

Ted Harrington:

name. And that's a universally understood procedure. The

Ted Harrington:

problem with what's happening with security. So let's say I

Ted Harrington:

don't know what the technical term would be, let's just say

Ted Harrington:

it's called knee replacement. You know, someone goes in, and

Ted Harrington:

they're like, I think I might, you know, my knees bother me, I

Ted Harrington:

need some help with my knee. And then a doctor is like, you need

Ted Harrington:

a knee replacement. The problem, insecurity would be like, when

Ted Harrington:

one doctor says knee replacement, he means I'm going

Ted Harrington:

to replace your knee, another doctor means I'm going to give

Ted Harrington:

you orange juice. And a third doctor means I'm going to give

Ted Harrington:

you a physical, and you're like, these are all using the same

Ted Harrington:

term to describe really, really different things. And the

Ted Harrington:

patient doesn't know any better to like, because the patient's

Ted Harrington:

going to the expert. That's why this is a real problem. Like if

Ted Harrington:

you went to the doctor, and three different doctors said the

Ted Harrington:

same term, but they meant three different things. You probably

Ted Harrington:

wouldn't go to the doctor anymore. And that's why is such

Ted Harrington:

a significant problem.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Yep, very cool. You know, I, I authored a

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

book, which, which was published by SAGE last year on

Cybersecurity Readiness:

A Holistic and High-Performance

Cybersecurity Readiness:

Approach. In that book, I, I presented a framework, it's

Cybersecurity Readiness:

called the Commitment, Preparedness and Discipline

Cybersecurity Readiness:

framework that is associated with 17 cybersecurity readiness

Cybersecurity Readiness:

success factors. And I'm not going to go down that list, but

Cybersecurity Readiness:

I wanted your thoughts on some of them, which I have found to

Cybersecurity Readiness:

be very important for an organization to secure

Cybersecurity Readiness:

themselves or get the resources they need to secure themselves.

Cybersecurity Readiness:

And one of those success factors happens to be hands-on top

Cybersecurity Readiness:

management. And it's a challenge out there. In terms of how to

Cybersecurity Readiness:

get top management attention, how to get top management

Cybersecurity Readiness:

actively engaged in cybersecurity planning,

Cybersecurity Readiness:

execution, monitoring. Just curious because you're in the

Cybersecurity Readiness:

field, and you are you and your company are engaging in engaging

Cybersecurity Readiness:

with numerous organizations. What are you seeing out there,

Cybersecurity Readiness:

in terms of top management commitment to information

Cybersecurity Readiness:


Ted Harrington:

Well, it's it's definitely becoming more and

Ted Harrington:

more of a priority for executive leadership. I think you probably

Ted Harrington:

could have any number of security professionals on here

Ted Harrington:

to answer that question that would probably all say, some

Ted Harrington:

version of the same thing, right, which is like, security

Ted Harrington:

is a business problem, not a technical problem. We need to

Ted Harrington:

speak in the language of leaders, which is, you know, in

Ted Harrington:

terms of numbers and outcomes, and all that stuff. And we need

Ted Harrington:

to make sure that we, you know, don't make it technical and all

Ted Harrington:

that. So I would say all those things, too. But instead, what I

Ted Harrington:

want to share is something that I see the most progressive

Ted Harrington:

organizations doing that are the ones who are getting it right.

Ted Harrington:

And they're currently in the minority. They're on if we think

Ted Harrington:

about, you know, a bell curve. They're on the early early

Ted Harrington:

adopter side. And my hope is that eventually we're going to

Ted Harrington:

get the whole world thinking this way. And the way is this

Ted Harrington:

one Most people think about security as avoid a bad thing,

Ted Harrington:

right, let's not get hacked. That is, in fact, a good way to

Ted Harrington:

think about security. But it's incomplete. We also need to

Ted Harrington:

think about not just how do we avoid a bad thing? But how do we

Ted Harrington:

get a good thing? So not just how do we not get hacked? But

Ted Harrington:

how do we gain an advantage. And one of the things that is very,

Ted Harrington:

very obvious to me, as I look at the companies really across

Ted Harrington:

industries across sectors, the ones who do two things, first,

Ted Harrington:

actually secure their systems. And then secondly, in an

Ted Harrington:

authentic and credible way, prove it, they gain this

Ted Harrington:

incredible competitive advantage over their competitors. So if

Ted Harrington:

that's a company, they're competing the way a company

Ted Harrington:

will, you know, for customers and market share. But there's

Ted Harrington:

other ways you can compete, too, whether that's maybe you're a

Ted Harrington:

nonprofit, and you need donors, maybe you're a government, and

Ted Harrington:

you need your political influence, or whatever. people

Ted Harrington:

and companies and organizations, they want to do business with

Ted Harrington:

organizations that are secure, they want trust is the

Ted Harrington:

foundation of so they trust someone, they're going to want

Ted Harrington:

to work with them, or at least if they don't trust them,

Ted Harrington:

they're going to be hesitant to work with them. And so this is

Ted Harrington:

one of the things that I see executives at the more

Ted Harrington:

progressive organizations capturing, they see it, they

Ted Harrington:

look at it, and they're like, if we only think of security as a

Ted Harrington:

bad avoid a bad thing, what we're going to do is we're going

Ted Harrington:

to make some risk based decisions about, look, this is

Ted Harrington:

just a tax on the business. How do we reduce the tax to the

Ted Harrington:

right amount that's not so low that we expose ourselves to huge

Ted Harrington:

risk, but we're not overspending? That's the way

Ted Harrington:

that's the way most people actually think about security,

Ted Harrington:

when it's the idea of avoid a bad thing. But now when you

Ted Harrington:

change the frame, and you say, Well, how do we get a good

Ted Harrington:

thing? How do we get this competitive advantage? Now

Ted Harrington:

you're looking at it as an investment. And you're saying

Ted Harrington:

it's no longer a cost center to reduce? It's an advantage to

Ted Harrington:

optimize? How do we spend in a way that helps us beat the

Ted Harrington:

competition? How do we move faster? How do we get more

Ted Harrington:

enterprises using us than someone else? And I found that

Ted Harrington:

to be the thing that really gets leaders excited, because it's no

Ted Harrington:

longer this, like, this is annoying, I don't want to talk

Ted Harrington:

about this, make make this problem go away. That's the way

Ted Harrington:

most people think about security. Now it is, oh, wait a

Ted Harrington:

minute, there is an untapped opportunity to gain a

Ted Harrington:

competitive edge. No one else is doing it or not enough people

Ted Harrington:

are doing it. Talk to me about that. That's what progressive

Ted Harrington:

organizations are doing right now.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I love the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

way you put it. One has to look at information security

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

capability as a distinctive competency. And focusing on

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

developing the competency, using that competency or leveraging

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

that competency to achieve a competitive edge is the way to

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

go. The moment you are thinking of security ah that's one more

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

thing we have to do, we don't have a choice, that really

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

doesn't cut it. Rather, taking a very optimistic approach, and

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

saying -- yes, there is this is a problem. This is a constant

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

issue that we have to deal with. So let's see, we can convert the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

so called problem into an opportunity and be the best we

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

can be in managing this risk. I love that kind of a mindset,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

that kind of approach. And I'm sure people who are listening

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

are making note of it. I'm sure many, many organizations, many

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

senior executives approach it that way. So, Ted, a couple of

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

months ago, probably in a podcast session, a renowned

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

cybersecurity expert lamented that companies keep making the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

same mistakes over and over again. So I asked him, I said,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

What kind of mistakes are they making over and over again? And

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

he talked about vulnerability management, patch management.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

And, you know, you being in the business, leading a team of

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

ethical hackers, I'm sure you see that a lot. What are your

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

thoughts about what is so difficult or challenging about

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

patch management, vulnerability management, that to use his

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

words again, that companies keep making the same mistakes?

Ted Harrington:

Well, I definitely agree with the

Ted Harrington:

problem that companies continue making the same mistakes over

Ted Harrington:

and over again, I would not limit it just to this particular

Ted Harrington:

issue of patch management. I'm a little befuddled myself as to

Ted Harrington:

why patch management continues to be such an issue. And that's

Ted Harrington:

not to diminish how hard it is. It's hard. Patch management is

Ted Harrington:

difficult. What I, for me personally, like if my job was

Ted Harrington:

to be In charge of patch management, I'd be terrible at

Ted Harrington:

it. Because what it requires for patch management are the kinds

Ted Harrington:

of things that like the your brain is wired in a certain way

Ted Harrington:

to excel at that I think the kind of person who's really good

Ted Harrington:

at like, maybe accounting, the kind of person who wants to make

Ted Harrington:

sure that the numbers perfectly zero out and everything's like

Ted Harrington:

exactly an order the way that should be. Patch management is

Ted Harrington:

kinda like that to like you have that absolute overriding drive

Ted Harrington:

for the perfection. But you can take that you combine it with

Ted Harrington:

the fact that patches, sometimes break systems and braking

Ted Harrington:

systems gets in the way of operational uptime, and

Ted Harrington:

operational uptime, and a lot of situations is non negotiable, or

Ted Harrington:

operational downtime is not allowable. So there's all these

Ted Harrington:

complexities to it. But really, I think that what's happening if

Ted Harrington:

we go broader than just patch management, and we say, well,

Ted Harrington:

why do we keep making the same problem, like making the same

Ted Harrington:

mistakes over and over and over again? And I think it's because

Ted Harrington:

we don't necessarily truly understand the problem. And we

Ted Harrington:

don't truly understand the solution. And the we I'm

Ted Harrington:

describing here is the people who have the problem, and

Ted Harrington:

certain corners of the security community who are willing to

Ted Harrington:

present the incorrect solution. We talked about penetration

Ted Harrington:

testing before. And that's a great example of where, you

Ted Harrington:

know, there are people willing to sell companies a penetration

Ted Harrington:

test, that isn't a penetration test, they're willing to do

Ted Harrington:

that. Now, maybe they don't know that there's a difference.

Ted Harrington:

That's negative, that's negligent. Or they do know

Ted Harrington:

there's a difference, and they're misrepresenting it

Ted Harrington:

anyway. That's irresponsible. So whichever it is, is not good.

Ted Harrington:

But the problem is, that's a two sided problem, right? That

Ted Harrington:

companies were building things like we talked about before,

Ted Harrington:

it's not there every moment of every day working on how do you

Ted Harrington:

break things, they're looking to their expert partners to help

Ted Harrington:

them and the expert partner isn't actually presenting the

Ted Harrington:

appropriate solution, those two issues combined become this

Ted Harrington:

like, kind of catastrophic problem.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Yep. True. So here comes my final two

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

questions. First one is, What lessons do organizations refuse

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

to learn? Have you come across anything like that? Do you have

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

any thoughts on that? And I don't mean to stump you. So feel

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

free to say what's the next one? And I'm happy to throw out the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

next one.

Ted Harrington:

No, I like that question. Actually, a lot. I

Ted Harrington:

would the way I would answer that, though, is I don't think

Ted Harrington:

you could say there's a universal, there's not like one

Ted Harrington:

lesson that everybody refuses to learn. But within every

Ted Harrington:

organization, there is at least one lesson that everybody that

Ted Harrington:

that organization refuses to learn. The one that as an

Ted Harrington:

example, that it saddens me actually, I was gonna say it

Ted Harrington:

irritates me or angers me. I was like, what's the right word for

Ted Harrington:

this? But I think it saddens me is the way that sometimes

Ted Harrington:

politics work in large enterprises. I've seen it happen

Ted Harrington:

time and time again, where, you know, one executive will build a

Ted Harrington:

program in a certain way. And that program is succeeding in

Ted Harrington:

some way. And then the next, you know, that executive either gets

Ted Harrington:

promoted or gets poached go somewhere else. And then the

Ted Harrington:

next executive comes in, and the way that exec, that new

Ted Harrington:

executive is going to quote unquote, create their own thing,

Ted Harrington:

right, is going to create their opportunity to get promoted, or

Ted Harrington:

get poached to go somewhere else. They need to do something

Ted Harrington:

unique. They can't just do what's already been done. And so

Ted Harrington:

that, what do they have to do? They have to look at the this

Ted Harrington:

program that's already been built, and say, we're gonna do

Ted Harrington:

it totally differently, because I know a better way. But if it's

Ted Harrington:

already working, why are you tearing it down? And that is

Ted Harrington:

actually a pretty significant problem in corporate America

Ted Harrington:

today, that that sort of political need, which I

Ted Harrington:

actually, I have no problem with someone needing to say, I need

Ted Harrington:

to make my mark on this organization so that I can make

Ted Harrington:

more money and provide more for my family. And like, what's

Ted Harrington:

wrong with that? That's amazing. But unfortunately, the way that

Ted Harrington:

it typically has to play out is by dismantling some other thing

Ted Harrington:

that already worked. And so now you have in these, it's kind of

Ted Harrington:

amazing when you see large enterprises, how inefficient

Ted Harrington:

they can be. Because every few years as there's this turnover,

Ted Harrington:

and you know, executive positions. You You've, you're

Ted Harrington:

kind of starting things all over again. And I mean, how many

Ted Harrington:

people listening right now work in a large enterprise and go

Ted Harrington:

through a reorganization? Like every three or four years,

Ted Harrington:

you're like, I'll just wait this out, because by the time it

Ted Harrington:

actually is implemented, there's going to be a reorg you know.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Yep. So let me give you my answer to the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

question I posed to you. So, you know, two things happen, as your

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

probably aware, it is the medium sized organizations that

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

generally capitulate after a major cyber attack, they go out

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

of business, there is data to support that. 60 to 70%, of

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

small and medium sized enterprises cease to exist,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

which is a very rough consequence, probably the most

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

severe consequence. But then there are large organizations.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

And again, I won't take any names here, who, for lack of a

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

better word, made some very reckless mistakes, that

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

borderlines gross negligence, and breach has happened. There

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

were severe consequences. But they get bailed out for a

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

variety of reasons. And that's where my concern lies. Not that

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

we're going to solve this problem here, and neither am I

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

trying for you to suggest what the solution should be. But

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

that's where my concern is that when these organizations get

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

bailed out, do they learn the lessons and they or are they do

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

they make the necessary changes. And these are not symbolic

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

things that you put out there to impress the media and impress

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

your investors. But it goes deeper into their processes into

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

how security is approached by the organization, whether

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

security is built into their organizational culture. In my

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

book, I talk about creating and sustaining a high-performance

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

information security culture, it's hard to do. But it is

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

definitely something that organizations should, should

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

strive towards. So that's from where I was coming, when I asked

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

you that question.

Ted Harrington:

It's hard to say without being on the inside of

Ted Harrington:

every organization, right, whether they've learned their

Ted Harrington:

lesson or not, but you see plenty of cool success stories,

Ted Harrington:

you know, I'm in the aftermath of major breaches, including the

Ted Harrington:

industry around whoever the victim was, you know, the movie

Ted Harrington:

business is a great example. Sony, you know, went through

Ted Harrington:

that really very public. You know, that was a real bummer

Ted Harrington:

that that breach for everyone who not just the people at Sony,

Ted Harrington:

but the people who work with Sony in the movie business is a

Ted Harrington:

it's kind of a small world, everyone kind of knows everyone.

Ted Harrington:

And, you know, there was a lot of a lot of hearts went out for

Ted Harrington:

that. That was a really tough time for a lot of people. But

Ted Harrington:

it's really cool to see in the aftermath, how the security

Ted Harrington:

programs at different studios, got more funding got more

Ted Harrington:

people, they got more sophisticated. And that's a cool

Ted Harrington:

aftermath. I mean, yeah, you don't want a company to go

Ted Harrington:

through what Sony went through. That's, that's terrible. But if

Ted Harrington:

it has to happen, then let's make sure that some really

Ted Harrington:

positive result. And that's, that's definitely what's been

Ted Harrington:

happening. So that was pretty cool. That was pretty cool to

Ted Harrington:

see that.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

That's great to hear. I'm glad you

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

shared that with us. There are I'm sure many, many positive

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

stories of recovery, and, you know, coming back revitalized

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

and in ways that has made the organization better. So that's

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

good to hear. Hey, as much as I would like to keep talking with

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

you, I've been enjoying this, you know, we are getting to the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

end of our time here. So let's try to wrap things up with you

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

sharing any final takeaways for the audience. Any final thoughts

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

for the audience?

Ted Harrington:

Yeah, I mean, I definitely always like to end on

Ted Harrington:

a high note. And I feel like the story I just told was, was a

Ted Harrington:

high note. So there we go, you already have your high note. You

Ted Harrington:

know, we're seeing industries react really well in the

Ted Harrington:

aftermath of, of breaches. But I think that I would just leave

Ted Harrington:

people with this fact that the security community is a

Ted Harrington:

passionate one that really is trying to improve things every

Ted Harrington:

day. Ethical hackers included amongst that, and that, to me is

Ted Harrington:

really exciting to live in it and to see it and to those of

Ted Harrington:

you who maybe are wanting to join security, or maybe you are

Ted Harrington:

not in security, but you work with security companies, just

Ted Harrington:

know that there's a really passionate group, let's move

Ted Harrington:

forward. And yeah, I mean, that just we can end on that note,

Ted Harrington:

and if anyone wants to know anything more about, you know,

Ted Harrington:

if any of the ideas we talked about you wanted to ask me

Ted Harrington:

about, personally, you want to follow me on social media, you

Ted Harrington:

want to know more about my book, you you want help with your

Ted Harrington:

security testing program. Just hit me up, I'm easy to find at

Ted Harrington:

Ted harrington.com. And everything you could need to

Ted Harrington:

know is right there.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Fantastic Ted, thank you again for your

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

time. It's been a pleasure.

Ted Harrington:

Thank you for having me.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

A special thanks to Ted Harrington for his

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

time and insights. If you like what you heard, please leave the

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

podcast a rating and share it with your network. Also,

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

subscribe to the show, so you don't miss any new episodes.

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:

Thank you for listening, and I'll see you in the next

Dr. Dave Chatterjee:



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